
How a Virtual Assistant for Real Estate Helps in Wholesaling

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These days, it is possible to get a remote assistant no matter your industry. You could get a virtual assistant for real estate, a sales virtual assistant—name it, there’s probably a VA for it! VAs in real estate take the menial tasks out of your hands, so you can focus on the bigger picture. For example, they will make calls and follow up with interested parties, and even show the property to potential buyers. They can also assist you in more complex tasks like real estate wholesaling.

Wholesaling is a marketing strategy that is both very powerful and very effective. The goal in real estate wholesaling is to sell a property to an interested party before the original homeowner has closed the deal.

It means that sellers will receive more money based on whether they find a buyer willing to buy the estate at a markup. Sounds lucrative? It is; the problem is that it is not as easy as it sounds. It takes more than just know-how; wholesaling takes patience and determination.

There are many ways you can outsource a competent virtual assistant for real estate today. You need not look further than Wing Assistant. Our managed platform connects real estate agents with vetted and trained remote assistants ready to take on your business needs. Are you a real estate wholesaler? Let’s take a deep look at various tasks you can assign to a Wing real estate assistant.

What goes into a wholesale deal?

A wholesale deal in real estate is different from other types of deals. For one, your job is to simply resell the property at a higher price to a willing buyer.

Wholesaling is different from rehab real estate or flipping homes. These types of selling involve making renovations, as well as covering mortgage, insurance, and taxes. Meanwhile, in wholesaling, you will not be making any improvements or repairs to the property. Instead, you’re simply the middleman. You find a distressed property with an eager seller, get a contract for it, find a willing buyer, then close the deal with them.

When you are a wholesaler in real estate, you must know how to approach the process of finding a buyer. Having good marketing and communication skills are essential. Ideally, you’d be able to build a network of connections that you can reach out to and make deals with. Your goal is to identify the right person who will buy your property, and at the right price.

This is not yet considering the fact that you also need to be good at finding the right property. Real estate wholesaling requires you to do research and know your market. All of these things will be important so you can match buyers with the right selling. It is not enough to find a property in a good location. You should know how to find well-maintained properties in prime areas, and get them for a great price.

Why get a virtual assistant for real estate?

Many different kinds of businesses benefit from having specialized assistants, both remote ones and those on the field. Specialized assistants are especially useful for businesses that need extra help in different ways. They can help in taking over more tedious tasks, like scheduling posts or sending out emails. They can also help with time-consuming office work like data entry.

Real estate wholesaling is no different, as it is a very competitive business. It involves a process that is often time-consuming and stressful. It is much easier to outsource some of these tasks to a virtual assistant. This is especially so if you have the money to pay for their services.

In the case of real estate, there are real estate wholesalers who are actively building a network of connections that they can leverage when finding and making deals. These wholesalers are likely looking for a way to more efficiently communicate with their target buyers.

To be able to do this, they can hire a specialized assistant who can get in touch with potential buyers. Through the VA, the real estate company can let buyers know about available deals for a certain property. These specialized assistants can also help in researching potential properties to buy. All of these things will be essential to building the growth of your real estate business.

How a virtual assistant helps in each stage of the process

As mentioned before, there are tasks involved in wholesaling that are quite menial. For this reason, it is better to hire a virtual assistant who can take care of these things for you. A virtual assistant for real estate can be a game changer. That is, if you know how to use them the right way.

How a real estate assistant takes on due diligence

A real estate assistant can take on the role of a virtual assistant in due diligence. What is due diligence in real estate? Well, due diligence involves researching the property you are going to buy. There are many things that you need to consider when researching a property, including its location, price, the type of structure it has, and so on. You can’t make a sound decision without knowing all of these things.

Unfortunately, investigating all of these aspects can take a lot of time. This applies whether you’re looking to buy or sell a single occupant living space, or something for a bigger family. As a whole, it can be tedious and tiring, especially if you are working alone. This is why it is so much better to hire a real estate assistant to do this for you.

A virtual assistant can prep you with all the information that you need to make an offer on a chosen property. They can also make sure that you’ve got all the necessary documents ready to show the potential buyer.

A virtual assistant for real estate helps you to make a well-researched, well-planned offer on the property that you are going to sell. They also keep all the relevant paperwork in order, so that when you make an offer, it will be accepted by the buyer and the seller. This is all thanks to the research assistant’s knowledge and research skills.

How a real estate VA helps you market to sellers

One of the first things you need to do in a real estate wholesale deal is to find the right seller. Having the right property and a seller that is eager to establish a worthwhile contract with you is half of what can make a wholesale deal successful. Therefore, you need to be good at finding the right property, and good at making the right offer.

A virtual assistant for real estate can help you create a list of potential sellers by providing research results and statistics on their market. They can also help you put together an offer that will be attractive enough to the seller, and will be accepted.

The virtual assistant for real estate can also follow up with the seller, making sure that everything is done correctly and that the deal closes as planned. This can make or break the wholesale deal you make, so it is very important to have a solid real estate VA on your side. A good assistant would know what to look for in a property owner, and how to appeal to them to get a good contract.

How an assistant for real estate builds your buyer’s list

There are two things that you need to do in order to be successful in wholesale real estate deals. First, you need to find the right property. The second thing is finding the right buyer. These two things go hand in hand, and the sooner you can get them done, the better.

You can’t just wait for someone to come and buy your property for you, and that is why it is so important to build a buyer list of potential buyers who will be interested in your deal. A good buyer’s list is built not only by marketing yourself at major real estate auctions and events, but also networking with other real estate wholesalers.

This is where a virtual assistant for real estate comes in. They can build your buyer list as well. Real estate VAs do this by finding all the people who are interested in buying the property that you have listed. They can also make sure that you have all the information on the buyers that you need, including their contact information, price range, and location.

How a real estate VA assists in negotiations

There are a lot of things that can happen in a real estate wholesale deal. Some of these things can be positive, while others can be negative. Negotiations are usually the most important part of the process, and it is crucial to have someone on your side who knows how to make them go smoothly.

Making a wholesale deal is not as simple as matching the right seller to the right buyer. Both parties will almost always want to negotiate their offers. Negotiations involve discussing the contract and all of the details of the deal, such as price, terms, and conditions. Negotiations can also be stressful, especially if the buyer and seller have different views on the final terms of the contract. This is where you can benefit from having a virtual assistant.

For one, a virtual assistant for real estate can compile the information that you need to negotiate with a seller. In addition, a virtual assistant can re-check that all the necessary papers needed for a deal have been gathered. They will also proofread all of the contracts and their respective documents, as well as iron out the details for you.

This way, you’re sure to enter every discussion with everything you need for a streamlined negotiation. All in all, a good virtual assistant will make your negotiation process go much smoother, and can save you from potentially time-consuming and sometimes money-consuming errors.

How an assistant for real estate helps in closing a deal

Closing a deal is not only the final step in a wholesale deal, but also the most important. This is because this is when you get paid for your efforts. In the end, you’re not just getting paid for finding a property and selling it to a buyer, but also for closing the deal with them.

To be ready to close a deal, you need to do every step properly. You need to be good at communicating with your buyers and getting them to agree on the contract terms. The closer you are to the price that pleases both your buyer and your seller, the better your chances of closing the deal.

Your virtual assistant for real estate can help you figure out what this number should be, based on the type of property that you have listed and the market that it is in. You can also use the virtual assistant for real estate to follow up with your buyers, especially when they are trying to get more information about the property that you have listed.

Moreover, it’s very likely that you’re not just handling one wholesale deal at any time. In fact, you’re probably juggling between many different ones. This is why it is very important to have a good virtual assistant for real estate that can keep track and easily re-brief you on the details of each one when you need them.

Get the right real estate Virtual Assistant at Wing

Virtual assistants for real estate are a good way to streamline the process of finding deals and making deals. They can help you with every step of the process, so that you can make an informed decision on what to do next.

If you’re looking for a virtual assistant for real estate, then check out Wing Assistant. We have a wide pool of virtual assistants, both general and specialized, vetted through a rigorous process. Wing does what it can to ensure that your real estate VA is certified and ready to take on your business tasks. Get in touch with us today to learn more!

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